Frequently asked questions


How does the fat loss treatment work?

The fat loss treatment works by using low-frequency ultrasonic waves to burst fat cells, transforming their contents into liquid that is naturally drained via the lymphatic system and liver! So while you will notice an immediate difference after your treatment, more fat will be lost over the next few days as your body continues to detox

When will I see results?

You will see results immediately after your treatment! However, more fat will be lost over the next 3-7 days as your body continues to detox & expel fat.

Is the fat loss treatment safe?

All of our treatments are FDA approved, safe, non-surgical, and non-invasive. There is no cutting, no scars, and no downtime. Due to the specific ultrasonic parameters of the fat loss treatment, the only damage is to fat cells. Treatment does not interfere with or harm any other organs.

Are fat loss results permanent?

Like with ANY fat loss treatment, how long the results last are entirely up to you. As long as you continue to eat right & work out, you will maintain your results! 

Are there side effects to the fat loss treatment?

Some people may experience transient redness, excessive thirst, and nausea immediately after the treatment which always resolves by drinking water. They are all short-term effects that will disappear shortly.

How many fat loss sessions do I need?

The exact number of treatments will depend on factors such as your age, metabolism, weight and the structure of the tissue in the area you’re having treated. It also depends on the desired look you are going for.

How often can treatments be done?

Fat loss, body tightening, & double chin treatments can be done once every 5-7 days.

Booty lift treatments can be done every 2-3 days.

Can I treat more than one area of the body at one time in a service?

No, only one area at a time can be treated. After each treatment session, your body needs time (at least 5-7 days) to eliminate broken-down fat. By doing more than one body area at a time, this will not allow the body to properly dispose of the fat. For this reason, treating multiple areas is not advisable and may not be effective.

Can I do more than 1 treatment in a day?

For fat loss treatments, you can only do 1 body area in a day.

Booty lifts & hip dip reduction treatments can be done on the same day as a fat loss treatment.


How does it work?

 The treatment uses heat waves to stimulate collagen causing it to contract and tighten, while also breaking down stubborn fat cells. So the result is a tighter slimmer chin & neck! No needles, injections, surgery, or anesthesia involved!

How does it feel?

The treatment feels like a warm stone massage. 

Side Effects:

Temporary redness, swelling, bruising, and irritation is possible

How long do results last?

Results can last up to 2 years as long as you maintain your body weight & use SPF 35 or higher on your chin & neck to prevent premature aging & sagging.

Booty Lift explained 

The non-invasive booty lift repositions fat while simultaneously contracting your muscle to emulate a squat (without you having to do any of the work!) so one 45-minute session is equivalent to 1500 squats. Since muscle takes longer to build than fat it typically takes at least 3 sessions to really solidify results. But many girls are happy with just 1-2 sessions! Like with any workout, as long as you continue to exercise and do regular booty work you will retain and enhance results! Results WILL vary from person to person. A lot of factors come into play. If you do not get your desired look after 1 session don’t give up! Many people do require more than just 1!

Booty lift benefits:

• Lifts your buttocks by up to 70%
• Instant results
• No surgery, no pain, no downtime!
• Enhanced body tone and shape
• No side effects
• Improves blood circulation
• Tightens & Tones Skin