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Hawaii’s #1 Non-Invasive Fat Loss & Skin Tightening Service


Sonic Sculpting

Sonic Sculpting is the Best way to remove unwanted fat without invasive surgery. Sessions are quick, effective, and safe

using the power of ultrasonic waves (and other non-invasive methods) to safely & painlessly sculpt & contour your body.




Fat Loss + Skin Tightening

Using the power of ultrasonic waves (and other non-invasive methods) to safely & painlessly sculpt & contour your body from the waist, stomach, arms and more. Look at our gallery to see examples of how it has helped other women!

Booty Lift

The non-invasive booty lift repositions fat while simultaneously contracting your muscle to emulate a squat (without you having to do any of the work!) so one 45-minute session is equivalent to 1500 squats.

Double Chin Reduction

The treatment uses heat waves to stimulate collagen causing it to contract and tighten, while also breaking down stubborn fat cells. So the result is a tighter slimmer chin & neck! No needles, injections, surgery, or anesthesia involved!

